During Advent we will be collections non-perishable food to for Catholic Charities Food Pantry - Collection during Mass / Durante el Adviento, recolectaremos alimentos no perecederos para la Despensa de Alimentos de Caridades Católicas - Colecta durante la Misa
We are pleased to announce that ParishSoft, our source for our Offering/Family Suite programs now provides, ParishSoftGiving, an online giving platform. This is a convenient and secure way for making a one time only or recurring donations to our church, the special collections, holidays, and our education department. When you participate, your gift will transfer directly into the parish bank account, and upload into your envelope tax statement. To begin visit the Giving portal address of https://giving.parishsoft.com/app/giving/holycrosschurchsantabarb or text Give or the dollar amount to 1-916-848-7382, where you will be prompted to register as a first time user, in GIVE NOW. Once your donation's transaction is complete you will receive a receipt, and your envelope number will be input by our staff so that the donation will export directly into your personal accounting. Please visit the portal address or text the phone number above, to manage your account online, set up a schedule you choose for recurring gifts, you may use an ACH transfer or CC payment, and assign your donation to a selection of funds. Questions or Help - Please call the rectory office at 805-962-0411. As always, please know that it is through your prayers, acts of kindness, and good will, that you are active witnesses in Christ. Our church is but an empty shell without it's BODY. We are most grateful for your generosity to Holy Cross Church. May the Lord Jesus Christ Bless you this day and forward. Your Pastor, and HC team