Please join Archbishop José H. Gomez and bishops from across the country in praying a rosary for our country on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary! The Rosary for America video will be available today beginning at noon. Together – in one unified moment – we can pray for healing and unity! View and learn more here: #RosaryForAmerica #RosarioporAmerica
Hello to our lovely Parishioners, We once again, had another blessing in you with your faithfulness with your donations to the House of God. Whether we be indoors, outdoors, a few or many. Let the Lord richly bless you for your cheerful giving. Holy Cross is also trying to accommodate those that must use online giving, as this time of pandemic. Within the week we will be implementing an online giving program, through our envelope program ParishSoft. We will be posting to the chruch web site and our facebook page the number to text, for text giving and the portal address. Our giving team will be sending via the envelope mailing list, correspondence to our Parishioners. LOOK for either a voicemail, or email from ParishSoft. We hope this greeting finds you all well, and blessed. Please be careful in the days to come shall we drop down from our Tier of Purple to Red, please still wear your masks, sanitize and protect each other. Love from ABOVE. Msgr.&HC Staff.